Sunday, May 24, 2009

Your June Diary (Part 2)

June will bring the first frosts to some parts of the country. If you live in area that has frost water the garden in the morning so that the foliage is dry before sunset. Remember to keep covers handy to protect tender plants.


These need little attention at this time of the year except to be mulched and watered every three or four weeks in the summer rainfall areas. Shrubs established in containers can be planted throughout the year, but if shrubs are to be moved from one part of the garden to another this is best done in July or August but you would be wise to prepare the holes for them this month. Dig large square holes, break up the soil at the bottom and add 500g to one kilogram of superphosphate to the bottom spit. Avoid using fresh manure or immature compost in the holes.

Tender climbers such as sweet peas, bougainvilleas, mandevilla splendens etc should be protected at night by draping them with hessian or commercially available frost protection material. Remove the hessian every morning. In summer rainfall areas water the plants about once a month.

In areas where heavy frost is experienced, use hessian to protect tender young trees until they have grown above frost height (i.e. at least two metres tall).


As the early cabbages and cauliflowers are harvested remove the stumps, chop them up and put them in the compost heap. If left in the ground they will attract pests. Pick broad beans when the pods are well-filled, if left on the plants too long they will become tough. If the plants are attacked by aphids spray them with Kelpak 66 liquid seaweed, this will chase the aphids away and feed the plants at the same time.


The first of the winter/spring flowering bulbs will start opening in June and the main concern is to keep them well watered when the weather is dry. As the beds develop, a fortnightly application of soluble fertiliser with the addition of some liquid seaweed will increase the size of the blooms and improve the colours.  There are several brands of soluble fertiliser on the market.

Remember to check the Gardening is Easy blog regularly as I will continue the Garden Diary as a permanent feature. 

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